No human shampoo even baby shampoo is too strong for a dog. Get a wheat based shampoo from your vets or pet shop to wash her with (this helps dry skin and it will cool and soothe the skin). Finish off the wash with a 'leave in conditioner' called alpha kerie which is a lanolin based conditioner. This will help her a lot.Can I use baby shampoo on my dog or do i have to buy dog shampoo?
Dog shampoo is for dogs baby shampoo is for humans, dog shampoo is to help with there coat and natural oils and sensitive skin, humans not so much and yes its baby shampoo but if your pup has sensitive skin your puppy will not be happy.
Dog shampoo is recommended since it promotes a shiny healthy coat and can help with shedding..
but if you absolutely must there is no reason why you cant use the baby shampoo. - it has extra stuff dogs dont need though.
ya you can use baby shampoo. thats what i use on my dog
Dog shampoo is formulated for dogs - it's much milder. If you choose an oatmeal shampoo, that would be best for your dog. However, bathing dries their skin and coat out more than anything else, that's why a dog should only be bathed when absolutely necessary.
If your dog has dry skin, it needs to be treated from the inside by adding vegetable oil to her food daily. Better than that, would be a salmon oil capsule. Bathing will make her skin even drier.
Do not use human products on dogs.
use dog products for dogs.
you can get a moisturizing, or gentle dog product for the dog, such as tea tree oil, oatmeal, or other shampoo, and a moisturizer for after from any pet shop.
I use baby shampoo all the time on my sheltie. I also use my good conditioners on her and her coat looks wonderful!!
I used to use baby shampoo to wash my guinea pigs and I use it to wash my dog as well. Think about baby's skin is really sensitive so really its probably the best thing to use on your dog.
It isnt HORRIBLE, but especially if the dog has dry skin you shouldnt use it. However, try to avoid human shampoo as much as possible, the pH is different and it has some different ingredients Some places suggest using baby shampoo only for thehead and face, but this is strictly because of the no tears..
However, You should actually go and try to find a dog shampoo w/ Oatmeal in it.. this will help with the dry skin and it will be formulated for a dogs coat
also for the dry skin try putting a little bit of pure olive oil in the food, which will help w/ dry skin.
I think you need the strength of dog shampoo, human shampoo might not get him as clean.
I would use a good conditioning dog shampoo. Human shampoo is not PH balanced for dogs and will dry the skin out.
Also, since the skin is dry, I would avoid bathing him unless he's really dirty anyways. Bathing washes away natural oils.
Daily brushing will do him alot of good. It brushes away dirt, debris and loose hairs, and also helps stimulate healthy skin and coat.
i used baby shampoo at one time found it dried my dogs coat, no shine. there are tearless dog shampoos.
Baby shampoo is gentle enough, however if your dog has dry skin, I would look to buy a dog shampoo that is formulated for dry skin. Most of them contain oatmeal. Go to the pet store or a website that sells these products and look for dry skin shampoo for dogs- it should be easy to find.
I use baby shampoo on all my dogs and it seems to be fine. I avoid conditioner for most of them, though. It tends to make them oily.
Actually Human shampoo is not suitable for dogs..they have sensitive coats and oils and human shampoo can cause an allergic reaction or irritation. You can however use a very mild baby shampoo. But why don't you get a good dog shampoo with Oatmeal to help alleviate the itching. And a good coat conditioner to help replace some oils.
no it is not OK to use baby shampoo on your dog.there is chemicals in the human shampoo that would not be in dog shampoo.types of things that would maybe even harm your my advice is to go to your veterinarian and see what type of dog shampoo is best for your dog and buy it.
If she has dry skin I would find some oatmeal shampoo or some tea tree oil dog shampoo.
They both should help. Please use dog shampoo.
My groomer uses baby shampoo on my yorkies. I don't see what it would hurt and it's no more tears!
yes it is ok i use it on my shihtzu and my boston terrior just do notr bathe more then once a month if you can help it
Baby shampoo is fine, but many human shampoos have additives that aren't good for humans even. Mane and Tail is good. For the dry skin, try adding an egg a day to the dogs food. It has good oils and Vit E that will help. We have a lab who has notoriously dry skin. That's the best we can do for her - and not bathing too often. We do use oatmeal dog shampoo on her too though.
Baby shampoo is good around the eyes. I use baby shampoo when I wash my dogs head.
Murphy's Oil Soap is ph balanced and it's a great product for shampooing dogs. Cleans good, pleasant odor which disappears once the dog is dry.
I've been using it for years with great success.
Human shampoos are too harsh.
absolutely not! it dries their skin even more.
use dog shampoo only.
b4 we cant afford to buy dog shampoo coz dog shampoo is expensive than baby shampoo, so we use soap , soap not laundry soap huh
Baby shampoo is gentle enough for a dogs sensitive skin but I would only recommend you use it if in a pinch.
Spend the extra money on some proper shampoo for dogs with dry skin conditions.
i used it on my full breed german shepard and it realy dried the skin out and left him itching and alot of flaking skin
no you can use any shampoo on dogs i use head and shoulders on my dog lol
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