I'm giving him a bath and it's flea and tick shampoo.. would that harm him?Is it safe to use dog shampoo on my ferret?
It won't harm your ferret in the least little bit. I've had ferrets for over 20years and I've always used cat/dog flea- tick shampoo without any complications. If you have one that has a personality of disliking water I would recommend wearing gardening gloves- I had to learn the hard way when I was younger. Some people will say that dog/cat shampoo is to harsh but I'm sure you will rinse your ferret properly and it won't ever be an issue. Keep in mind that they only need to be bathed if they need it and when you dry your ferret off you may want to consider applying some liquid vitamin E- it makes their hair vibrant. Good luck with your ferret- they rule!Is it safe to use dog shampoo on my ferret?
The only shampoo I would use for fleas and ticks is the Marshall brand one. Never use a dog or cat shampoo on a ferret unless it is safe for puppies or kittens. For regular shampooing I usually use baby shampoo, but there are quite a few products out there specifically for ferrets. My favorite website for ferret products is www.theferretstore.com. They always have a large selection of products.
go easy with this and rinse well
no, i wouldnt use it. its to harsh.
i use kitten shampoo on mu guinea pig and it works great. ^_^
Why are you giving him a flea and tick bath? Does he have fleas and/or ticks?
If your ferret has fleas or ticks then use a flea and tick shampoo that is designed for kittens. Not cats...kittens.
If your ferret does not have fleas and ticks just stick to baby wash or ivory soap...something like that.
Oh...and yes, it could harm him.
NOOO! Use cat shampoo if you can't get the ferret kind! Dog shampoo is too harsh for them and could really irratate their skin... DO NOT use dog shampoo!
Although I really don't think it will do much of anything, it might be safe to google it. Also read the back containing the ingrediants, if you know something that isn't safe for a ferret thats in it then put down the dog shampoo and use something else. Another thing, it IS safe to use human shampoo on your animals, it wont do a thing, unless your using the Flea and Tick shampoo because your ferret has flees and ticks.
most likely you should not use dog shampoo on your ferret. it may be stronger than something you should use on a ferret and may irritate his skin. my friend washes all of her pets with palmolive soap, and it gets rid of fleas as well as cleans the fur and skin. it will be very helpful if you could google ferrets and find some ferret fanatic site where they sell ferret shampoo and things like that, where eveything they have is for ferrets.
as long as it is puppy formula it should be fine
sure. but don't wash it too often as that will put the oil glands into overdrive and they will actually end up smelling worse.
A ferret shampoo, kitten shampoo or no-tears baby shampoo can be used to bathe your ferret. An adult human or dog or cat shampoo is too harsh for your ferret. Whichever shampoo you use watch to be sure it doesn't over dry your pets' skin. Never use dog or cat flea shampoos (or flea collars, powders or dips). Kitten safe flea shampoo can be used with care. If using a flea shampoo, start at the head (using care near the eyes) and work your way back.
Do not bathe your ferret too frequently. Ferrets should be bathed no more than once a month. Unless your ferret gets into something and a bath is the only way to get it clean, it shouldn't need to be bathed more than once every few months. Over bathing will cause a ferret to over-secrete its natural oils and it will actually smell worse a few days after its bath. The best thing you can do to control odor is keep its bedding and litter boxes clean. Its bedding should be cleaned at least weekly and its litter box should be cleaned daily.
Hmm I don't think it would harm it
Well I don't think there is ferret shampoo so maybe you should just start by testing a little on his skin and see if it has an effect on his skin. By the way is it he cause I keep using he.
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