Saturday, December 19, 2009

What is the best dog shampoo to bath your dog?

My dashund is okay for a few days and then he scratchs himself terribly..I can`t give him benadryl as he is allergic to it and it makes him sick. He is a long haired Dashund.What is the best dog shampoo to bath your dog?
Many dogs have allergies. Buy a Hypoallergenic shampoo; this is a shampoo that contains none of the ingredients most dogs have allergies to.

I prefer an oatmeal shampoo as it puts moisture back into the dogs skin (so no dry itchy skin later) and the oatmeal pieces are an all natural scrubber that does a great job of cleansing your dog.

Also- your dog will have skin problems if you bath him/her more than every two weeks as it dries out the skin too much. It is recommended that you bath your dog once a month.What is the best dog shampoo to bath your dog?
tick and flea shampoo,i use is on my dogs all the time.
only bathe him as much as you have to. his own natural body oils are the best thing for him. i would only use the shampoo the vet gave you. what is your dog eating? diet plays a big role in skin and coat, make sure he is on a high quality dog food (nutro, science diet, ect.) and you can add a spoonfull of fish oil to his food to help aswell. make sure you allow him to soak for a long time, if the shampoo says 5 mins. make it 10. just dont let him get cold. try taking him to your local groomer, they can help alot. brushing can help keep the skin stimulated, witch will also help.
You could buy a shampoo of sergeant's bescause they have a lot of choice for wich kind of dogs and it has special shampoo's for special treatments for dogs
Well, if the dog has an allergy to something NOT topical...shampoo will not help. Maybe see the vet and have them suggest a shampoo if they think one will help. They have the best anti-itch shampoos. If they think it is a systemic problem, they can hekp in that direction also.

Then you go BACK to the vet and find out why it is not working and see what else can be done!!!!!!! I doubt someone on Yahoo! Answers has the ';magic shampoo'; for you!!!!

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